List of Participants
North America
Janine Barchas (barchas [at] mail [dot] utexas [dot] edu), Associate Professor of English, University of Texas, author of Graphic Design, Print Culture, and the Eighteenth-Century Novel
John Bender (bender [at] stanford [dot] edu), Jean G. and Morris M. Doyle Professor in Interdisciplinary Studies and Director of the Stanford Humanities Institute, author of Imagining the Penitentiary : Fiction and the Architecture of Mind in Eighteenth-Century England
Ian Baucom (ibaucom [at] duke [dot] edu), Chair of English, Duke University, author of Specters of the Atlantic: Finance Capital, Slavery, and the Philosophy of History
Ann Blair (amblair [at] fas [dot] harvard [dot] edu), Henry Charles Lea Professor of History, Harvard University, author of The Theater of Nature: Jean Bodin and Renaissance Science
Geoffrey Bowker (gbowker [at] scu [dot] edu), Director of the Center for Science, Technology, and Society in Silicon Valley, author of Sorting Things Out: Classification and Its Consequences
John Brewer (jbcaltech [at] yahoo [dot] com), Eli and Edye Broad Professor of Humanities and Social Sciences and Professor of History and Literature, California Institute of Technology, author of The Pleasures of the Imagination: English Culture in the Eighteenth Century
William Clark (wsclark84 [at] cox [dot] net), author of Academic Charisma and the Origins of the Research University and co-editor of The Sciences in Enlightened Europe
Lisa Gitelman (gitelman [at] cua [dot] edu), Director of Media Studies, Catholic University, co-editor of New Media, 1740-1915
John Guillory (john [dot] guillory [at] nyu [dot] edu), Silver Professor and Chair of English, New York University, author of Culture Capital: The Problem of Literary Canon Formation
Adrian Johns (johns [at] chicago [dot] edu), Professor of History, University of Chicago, author of The Nature of the Book
Steven Johnson (stevenberlinjohnson [at] gmail [dot] com), Distinguished Writer in Residence, NYU, author of Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities and Software and Interface Culture: How Technology Transforms the Way We Create and Communicate
Paula McDowell (p3mcdow [at] aol [dot] com), Visiting Associate Professor of English, New York University, and Associate Professor of English, Rutgers University, author of The Women of Grub Street: Press, Politics, and Gender in the London Literary Marketplace 1678-1730
Michael McKeon (McK343 [at] aol [dot] com), Board of Governors Professor of Literature, Rutgers University, author of The Secret History of Domesticity: Public, Private, and the Division of Knowledge
Maureen McLane (mclane [at] fas [dot] harvard [dot] edu), History and Literature, Harvard University, author of Romanticism and the Human Sciences: Poetry, Population and the Discourse of the Species
Robert Miles (rmiles [at] uvic [dot] ca), Chair of English, Victoria University, author of Gothic Writing 1750-1820: A Genealogy
Dorinda Outram (otrm [at] mail [dot] rochester [dot] edu), Gladys I. and Franklin W. Clark Professor of History, University of Rochester, author of The Enlightenment
Mary Poovey (mary [dot] poovey [at] nyu [dot] edu), founder of the Institute for the History of the Production of Knowledge and Samuel Rudin University Professor of the Humanities, New York University, author of The History of the Modern Fact
Arvind Rajagopal (arvindnyc [at] gmail [dot] com), Associate Professor of Culture and Communication, New York University, author of Politics After Television: Hindu Nationalism and the Reshaping of the Public in India
Clifford Siskin (clifford [dot] siskin [at] nyu [dot] edu), Professor of English, New York University, author of The Work of Writing: Literature and Social Change in Britain 1700-1830
Peter Stallybrass (pstally [at] dept [dot] english [dot] upenn [dot] edu), Walter H. and Leonore C. Annenberg Professor in the Humanities, University of Pennsylvania, co-author, with Ann Rosalind Jones, of Renaissance Clothing and the Materials of Memory
Michael Warner (nuh-uh [at] earthlink [dot] net), Board of Governors Professor of English and Co-Director, Center for Cultural Analysis, Rutgers University, author of The Letters of the Republic: Publication and the Public Sphere in Eighteenth-Century America
William Warner (warner [at] english [dot] ucsb [dot] edu), founder of the Digital Cultures Project and Chair of English, University of California, Santa Barbara, author of Licensing Entertainment: The Elevation of Novel Reading in Britain, 1684-1750
[Note: In a number of instances, rather than mistranslate book titles, I have listed topics rather than the exact titles of publications.]
Peter De Bolla (pld20 [at] freenet [dot] co [dot] uk), Fellow of King's College, Cambridge University, author of The Education of the Eye: Painting, Landscape and Architecture in Eighteenth-Century Britain and Art Matters
Knut Ove Eliassen (knut [dot] eliassen [at] hf [dot] ntnu [dot] no), Professor of Comparative Literature and Scandinavian Studies, University of Trondheim, author of work on technology and literature and on the novel
Anne Fastrup (fastrup [at] hum [dot] ku [dot] dk), Associate Professor of Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen, author of work on the emotions, Rousseau, Diderot, and Cervantes
Yngve Sandhei Jacobsen (yngve [dot] jacobsen [at] hf [dot] ntnu [dot] no), Senior Researcher, Comparative Literature and Scandinavian Studies, University of Trondheim, author of work on technology and media
Helge Jordheim (helge [dot] jordheim [at] hf [dot] uio [dpt] no), Senior researcher, Modern Languages, German Section, University of Oslo, author of work on secrecy, cosmopolitanism, and theory of the arts
Anne Beate Maurseth (amaurseth [at] french-ital [dot] ucsb [dot] ed), from University of Trondheim now Assistant Professor of French and Comparative Literature, University of California, Santa Barbara, author of work on Enlightenment aesthetics and technology and on "game and literature"
Carsten Meiner (cmeiner [at] hum [dot] ku [dot] dk), Senior Researcher in French, University of Copenhagen, author of work on technologies of transportation and the notion of "games" during the Enlightenment
Tue Andersen Nexø (tan [at] hum [dot] ku [dot] dk), Ph.D. in Comparative Literature, University of Copenhagen, author of work on the literary public sphere in England 1650-1710
K. Ludwig Pfeiffer (pfeiffer [at] anglistik [dot] uni-siegen [dot] de), Professor of English and Literary Theory, University of Siegen, author of The Media and the Imaginary and The Protoliterary and co-editor of Materialities of Communication.
Bernhard Siegert (bernhard [dot] siegert [at] medien [dot] uni-weimar [dot] de), Professor for the History of Cultural Technics, University of Weimar, author of Relays: Literature As an Epoch of the Postal System
William St Clair (ws214 [at] cam [dot] ac [dot] uk), Senior Research Fellow, Trinity College, Cambridge, author of The Reading Nation in the Romantic Period